About us

        www.thermopapier.ch  - online since 2003        

Orders until 2pm > > > delivered the next business day!

Our business philosophy: reliable & fast delivery - small quantities at CH-low prices. We produce within our group:

1, 2 or 3-ply paper / thermal paper rolls, pre-printed up to 6 colors, for all common cash registers and card terminals. Labels in all designs, also in large quantities. We meet OEM standards, including NCR, ICL, ADS, IBM, Omron and Epson certificates.

AKTUELL: Mythen & Fakten zum Thema Papier (PDF)


We store over 250 different rolls for POS / EFTPOS terminals in Oberentfelden, ready for immediate shipment.

Prontro AG delivers without intermediaries - directly from the manufacturer to you!

We look forward to your inquiry or order!


www.prontro.ch    /     www.schades.com